Whether you are moving town, moving country, or staying in London, use the time before you arrive to prepare for university life.

Here is a handy checklist for you that includes the most important things to take care of before you start at City.

We know you will be receiving lots of emails, so we’ve picked out where there are specific actions for you to complete to keep things simple.


Ensure to register

Registration is the official process to enrol as a student on your chosen course, and is made up of five stages which all need to be completed.

Instructions for how to complete all stages of this process will vary slightly depending on whether you are a British/Irish National or an international student.

You will need to follow the guidance based on the given nationality in your application form.

Find out how to complete your registration.

Your timetable

Your timetable will be uploaded onto MyTimetable before the start of your term.

You will activate your IT account as part of registration. Before that, you can view the general timetable for your course and year of study. Once you have your City email address you will be able to log in and view your personalised timetable.

As part of Welcome, take a look at your induction timetable your School has put together which has all the scheduled activities your School is running to help you settle in.

Arrange your accommodation

If you’ve not managed to find accommodation, some rooms can potentially become available through early cancellations at our nominated halls. Please visit the Accommodation Team's page on the Student Hub for further information.

Alternatively, check out the University of London Housing Services to find flats, houses and student halls.

If you have any questions about the process, you can contact the Accommodation Team, based in the Student Centre.

Open a bank account

Whether you are opening a bank account in the UK for the first time, or you're looking to transfer an existing account to a student account, you should shop around to make sure you get the best deal that suits your needs.

When choosing, remember to check:

  • The amount of interest-free overdraft that's available
  • If they offer a credit card and what the charges are for it
  • How much the interest rate is for additional authorised borrowing

The Student Adviser Team in the Student Centre can help you obtain a status letter for opening a bank account.

Register with a doctor

Please visit the Your Health page on the Student Hub to find a GP near you and register.

Once you are registered with a GP you will be allocated a NHS number which will entitle you to free consultations with your GP or a specialist if you are referred to one. You will however have to pay for any medication you are prescribed which currently costs £9.65 per item, unless meet criteria outlined on the NHS website.

Please make sure when registering with a dentist that you state you want NHS care otherwise you will be treated as a private patient.

Check out the NHS website for top tips about getting medical care as a student.

Read our student charter

Our City community is built on the strong partnership between students, our City Students’ Union and staff. Our Charter has been developed with staff and student input and outlines our mutual responsibilities and aspirations.

Students and staff work together to achieve this, and we have set out not only what you can expect from City but also what City expects from you.

Read our Student Charter on the Student Hub.


Register with Student Health and Wellbeing

Throughout your student journey here at City, Student Health and Wellbeing is here to help. The Department is made up of four specialised teams: Student Health and Wellbeing Engagement Service, Student Disability and Neurodiversity Service, Student Mental Health Service and Student Counselling Service.

Student Health and Wellbeing meet diverse, individual needs and support you to manage your wellbeing and fulfil your potential whilst studying.

For information about our teams and how we can support you, please see our services.

Sign up for CityBuddy mentor

The CityBuddies team will match you with a current student on your course who is in their second year or later to help you feel at home in your first few months of university. Your CityBuddy will be able to give you tips to get to grips with your course, guide you around campus and share their experience.

You can find more information including FAQs and apply on the CityBuddies site.

Access support for Care leavers

There is a range of support available specifically for care leavers at City. This includes additional financial support and bursaries, special accommodation arrangements and guaranteed access to the Buddy Scheme.

Read more about support for care leavers.

Access support of Cost of living

To help reduce the impact of the current cost of living crisis as a City student, we have developed a Cost of living support page that outlines our range of initiatives available to students. Some of these will be more direct in the form of providing money or vouchers, others will be ways we can help you save money.

Visit our Cost of living support page.

Navigating City

Find out where you can practice your faith

The Chaplaincy team is here to support you and help you practice your faith during your time at City. They offer support to everyone, welcoming every faith including those with non-religious beliefs.

You can find them in the City Faith Centre on Level 1 of the Tait Building on the Northampton Square campus.

The team is made up of our Coordinating Chaplain, Revd Ian Worsfold, University Iman, Sheikh Musa Admani, and leaders from a variety of religions. You can find their contact details on the Student Hub.

You can follow and connect with them on Instagram: @cityunichaplaincy.

Download CityNav

Making your way around a new environment isn't always easy, that's why the University has it's own free app, CityNav, which can be used to navigate around campus and even within buildings.

One of its super handy features is that you can also search for specific types of spaces, such as reception desks, services and also student areas. For mobile, CityNav is available on Apple devices and Android devices

When using it on your phone, please be cautious of your surroundings when in public spaces. You can also navigate campus from any device using the web app.

Stay connected with us on Social Media


Learn about activities that fit alongside your studies

University is about much more than getting a degree. Here at City, you can get the skills, contacts and experience that will help you succeed when you leave.

Experience City is your gateway to becoming the ‘complete graduate’. From mentoring and paid work to volunteering and networking opportunities, it’s your fast track to valuable and enjoyable activities.

Visit Experience City to see everything you can get involved with.

Sign up to Welcome Events

Your first weeks at City will be filled with exciting welcome events, talks and activities to make sure your introduction to university life is as smooth as possible.

Discover what's on during Welcome Week day by day and take a look at our Upcoming Events. Choose from the activities on our Welcome Events page which are running to fit around your induction timetable.

Learn how to use Moodle

Learn about the digital skills support available and practice using our systems and apps needed for study, such as our virtual learning environment, Moodle. These sessions are aimed at students who already have their City email and log in details so you can access our platforms. Sign up here

Learn how to gain the City Employability Award

The City Employability Award has been designed to boost your employability and help you stand out to employers throughout the job application process.

Discover more about the City Employability Award.

Make the most of discounts

Travel discounts

As a student, you’re eligible for a discounted Oyster card. If you are still 18 in August, you can use a 16+ Oyster card for the first year of University. If you are 18 or over and are in full time education in London, you can use the 18+ Oyster. Find out more on the TfL website, or visit the Student Centre for further information. Check their website for terms and conditions.


The TOTUM card (formerly NUS extra) is a great scheme that can be can be used to access over 200 discounts. You can buy for the card, download the app or use it online with some retailers and can purchase the TOTUM card for 1, 2 or 3 years.

Unidays and Student Beans are a free student discount schemes which you can download as an app or use on your desktop.

Your university ID card can also earn you discounts in stores. A final tip: If you are unsure whether a retailer offers discounts for students, just ask. If they don’t, the worst they can say is no.


Good news – if you are studying for 15 hours or more per week for at least 20 weeks of the year,  you are eligible for a railcard! Head to the National Rail website for more information. If you are over 25, you can apply for the 26-30 Railcard. Read the full eligibility criteria.